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  • Writer's pictureJeffrey Zalles

Response to Praise From an Oil Industry Advocacy Group

The following is a letter from the Consumer Energy Alliance, a front group for the oil and coal industries, followed by a response ghost written for Tom Sapp, Chair, Brunswick County Democratic Party:

We’ve all heard the expression; “You can’t judge a book by it’s cover”. These days, too many political and trade organizations try to deceive citizens by choosing names that imply the opposite of their real purpose. For example, the Center for Consumer Freedom is a front group for the tobacco, restaurant and alcoholic beverages industries. The Global Climate Coalition represents oil and coal companies. The National Wetlands Coalition exists to oppose policies related to wetlands conservation.

When I read the Letter-to-the-Editor in last week’s Beacon by Kevin Doyle of the Consumer Energy Alliance, I was a little suspicious. In it, he praised the on-going refusal of the Brunswick County Commissioners to join their neighbors in opposition to off-shore drilling. I asked myself; why would an organization that claims to represent consumers support something that would put our beautiful beaches at risk? Why would an organization that claims to represent consumers support something that could decimate our fishing industry? Why would an organization that claims to represent consumers support something that had the potential to destroy our local economy? Certainly not an organization that calls itself the Consumer Energy Alliance.

But alas! It turns out that, just like those other deceptively named organizations, the Consumer Energy Alliance is a front group for the energy industry. In addition to supporting oil drilling everywhere, the group’s priorities include more refineries and the easing of regulations on carbon pollution. No wonder they consider the vast majority of seaside communities that have come out against drilling “irrational”.

Frauds like Kevin Doyle and his Consumer Energy Alliance have no business anywhere near a county commission whose responsibility is to work in the best interest of its citizens. And commissioners Mike Forte and Pat Sykes should be ashamed of supporting polluters over the health and well-being of their constituents.

When it comes to environmental advocacy, never judge a group by its cover.


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